Adult Ministries

Crossroads seeks to contribute to the community of Palmerston North as well as serve the people of God who call Crossroads home.  We have a variety of programmes and ministries, some that are age appropriate, some for men or women, and some for various sorts of needs that people have.  

These all serve to build people up and encourage people in their faith in God where appropriate.  We trust you will find some ministry at Crossroads that will enrich your life.

Connect Groups


Connect Groups are one of the great ways we live out our church vision! Connect Groups come in all shapes & sizes: They generally meet either weekly, fortnightly, or monthly during the day or evening, and are made of groups ranging from groups of young and old that meet weekly or fortnightly for bible & faith studies together, groups of mums who get together in the week while their kids play, to groups of guys who get together to chop down trees for people, and more! If a Connect Group encourages fulfilling some of the aspects of our church vision, then we’re all for it!

If this kind of intentional community connection sounds appealing to you then we encourage you to follow the following link: Click Here

Women's Ministry


Oasis is our Women’s ministry here at Crossroads that holds events throughout the year for any woman over the age of 16yrs. To see what is coming up soon, check out our calendar here.

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Wednesday’s 9:30-11:15 am (During Term Time) here at Crossroads.

Refresh is a cafe-style Bible Study meeting both the spiritual and social. The morning begins with a shared morning tea and engaging teaching. Small table groups are given time to discuss the study and pray for each other and our community.

Men’s Ministry


FORGE is our Men's ministry here at Crossroads.

FORGE hosts Men’s breakfast’s througout the year here at Crossroads. To see what is coming up soon, check out the calendar here